This Highlights audio tour features 14 masterpieces from M.C. Escher’s oeuvre. Listen to the stories about these unique prints and discover what makes them so special! Learn more about the techniques, subjects and sources of fascination of the master printmaker, who dazzled the world with his wonderful depictions. The Highlights in the museum are marked with a special icon on the caption. This audio tour can be listened to free of charge through the izi.TRAVEL website and the app.
M.C. Escher, Eight Heads, woodcut, printed once from the whole block and eight times from different parts, January, February or March 1922
Eight Heads, basic block
Eight Heads
M.C. Escher, Self-portrait, lithograph, November 1929
M.C. Escher, Tower of Babel, woodcut, February 1928
Tower of Babel
M.C. Escher, Castrovalva, lithograph, February 1930
M.C. Escher, Still Life with Mirror, lithograph, March 1934
Still Life with Mirror
M.C. Escher, Relativity, woodcut, July 1953
M.C. Escher, Reptiles, lithograph, March 1943
M. C. Escher, Print Gallery, lithograph, May 1956
Basic scheme for Print Gallery
Print Gallery
M.C. Escher, Waterfall, lithograph, October 1961
Study for Waterfall
M.C. Escher, Belvedere, lithograph, May 1958
M.C. Escher, Snakes, woodcut in orange, green and black, printed from three blocks, July 1969
M.C. Escher, Cycle, lithograph, May 1938
M.C. Escher, Metamorphosis II, woodcut in black, green and brown, printed from twenty blocks, on three combined sheets, November 1939 - March 1940
Metamorphosis II
M.C. Escher, Day and Night, woodcut in black and grey, printed from two blocks, February 1938
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