Order tickets
Lange Voorhout 74
2514 EH Den Haag
T: +31 70-4277730
E: info@escherinhetpaleis.nl


Journalists are welcome at Escher in The Palace. We kindly ask you to announce your visit by e-mail. You can visit us during opening hours. Filming is only allowed with consent given beforehand and by appointment.

For more detailed information, images, Escher’s work or other press enquiries, please contact us at info@escherinhetpaleis.nl

M.C. Escher, Day and night, woodcut in black and grey, printed from two blocks, february 1938
M.C. Escher, Waterfall, lithograph, October 1961
M.C. Escher, Belvedere, lithograph, May 1958
M.C. Escher, Ascending and Descending, lithograph, March 1960