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Lange Voorhout 74
2514 EH Den Haag
T: +31 70-4277730
E: info@escherinhetpaleis.nl

What’s on?

The Escher exhibition

With over 120 prints in our museum, the most famous works from the oeuvre of M.C. Escher (1898-1972) are permanently on display at Escher in The Palace. These magnificent prints are being exhibited in a regal setting: the former winter palace of Queen Emma, the Queen Mother.

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11 June to 15 September 2024

Maura Biava

The Italian artist Maura Biava is curious about the world around her, a trait she shares with M.C. Escher. For her photography, drawings and ceramic work, she draws inspiration from nature and mathematics. In her solo exhibition at Escher in The Palace, she is showing three underwater photography works, new ceramic works and the resulting photography, as well as a series of works on paper.

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11 June to 15 September 2024

Becoming Escher

An extraordinary find led Joris Escher to a voyage of discovery into the life and work of his great-uncle, Maurits Cornelis Escher. Among family heirlooms, Joris found a Chinese lacquerware box containing ivory puzzles. Hidden in the bottom he found some drawings by M.C. Escher and his father, Joris’s great-grandfather. Escher in The Palace is to show them for the first time in an exhibition entitled Becoming Escher.

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25 June to 15 September 2024

New acquisition: Escher’s White Cat

Museum Escher in The Palace in The Hague recently acquired a unique work by Maurits Cornelis Escher: a woodcut of a white cat. While unmounting it, an unknown text by M.C. Escher himself was also discovered. The woodcut of the white cat had long been on the wish list of Escher in The Palace. The fact that this print is a counterprint makes the acquisition even more exceptional, and a fantastic addition to the collection.

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8 November 2024 to 16 February 2025

Julie de Graag

The talented Julie de Graag was one of Escher’s contemporaries, who died exactly 100 years ago this year. She shared a love of nature with M.C. Escher. Her woodcuts managed, in just a few details, to capture the essence of plants, animals and portrait subjects. De Graag’s work will be shown at Escher in The Palace alongside that of Escher.

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27 June to 7 September 2025

Jehoshua Rozenman

Jehoshua Rozenman’s sculptures are not as they first appear. They seem robust, monumental, but they are in fact made of fragile glass. Rozenman’s mysterious sculptures depict impossible, secretive buildings that appear to come from another dimension.

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A selection from our previous exhibitions

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