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2514 EH Den Haag
T: +31 70-4277730
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Cat art competition

M.C. Escher absolutely loved his pet cat, which he depicted in several woodcuts, including this one, White Cat (1919) – a print that Escher in The Palace managed to acquire recently. To celebrate this unique new acquisition, Escher in The Palace is organising a cat art competition for children and adults. So why not get creative and amaze us with a drawing, collage, painting or print of your favourite cat?

Send in a drawing, print, collage or painting that you have created of your own or someone else’s cat to the museum before 22 July. An expert panel of judges will look at and assess all submissions. We will announce the winner on International Cat Day on 8 August. The winner will receive a fantastic package of prizes, including a private guided tour of Escher in The Palace, a high tea for two people at Hotel Des Indes in The Hague and two tickets to the new Dutch feature film Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel. Keen to take part?

The judges are: Jet Boeke, illustrator of the famous orange tomcat Dikkie Dik; Angelo Rens, Director of the Animal Hospital and Ambulance Service Foundation in The Hague and surrounding area; and Judith Kadee, Curator of Escher in The Palace.

Competition Cat art competition
For whom Children and adults
Deadline 21 July 2024
E-mail to info@escherinhetpaleis.nl
What should you bear in mind?
  • Your artwork can be a drawing, print, collage or painting.
    No photography or three-dimensional work (sculptures, ceramics, etc.)
  • You must have created the artwork yourself
  • Submissions are only allowed by e-mail
  • Please state your name and age in your submission

Bart van der Leck, The Cat, casein on cement board, 1914. Collection Kröller-Müller Museum
Franz Marc, The White Cat, oil paint on cardboard, 1912. Collection Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale)
Julie de Graag, Cat Lying, woodcut, 1913. Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag
Newspaper collage cat

Ode to the Cat
Oh, feline wonder, sleek and sly,
Like a whisper, pure delight,
Full of confidence, so flamboyant,
A silent hunter, day and night.

With grace unmatched, you leap and bound,
In every movement, art is found,
A purr, a stretch, a languid pose,
In every gesture, calm repose.

Oh, cat of wonder, so full of spark,
With eyes that shine in the dark,
To you, we bow, in awe and cheer,
The noble feline, always near.